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  • jvquay

Defining Success in Writing: Sept. 1st Blog Hop Topic

Kind of a meta topic for a blog for insecure writers, yes?

For most writers I know, this is not a team sport. More like a singular pursuit with coaches along the way. All the more reason a group like this is so helpful. We all have similar goals, but take different paths to get there. Hearing my own writing mentor express her frustration about not being able to write much this month gave me such hope. Not because I felt more productive than her, but because even the most successful writer struggles on the journey.

My biggest pitfall with feeling successful is playing Let's Compare. It's so easy for me to hop around all these amazing blogs and feel like the most inept participant on this list. You all have so many impressive accomplishments under your belt, slick online presentations, and scads of followers. But feeling comparatively unsuccessful is bad for business. Instead, I need to focus on learning something new every blog hop day. God knows I have much to learn from this group. Thanks!

My best measure for success at this point is the doing. Keeping a regular log of how much I write, setting achievable goals, and ticking them off every day. It feels great. And when I finally do achieve something of note? I send out a YouTube link to Chuck Mangione's 'Feels So Good' to all my closest supporters. That's our inside message that..Yeah! It's a tiny accomplishment, but I did it!

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